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Jeffrey Young
Aug 1, 20223 min read
Reading Notes the ABA Way
Can you read this note? If you know this is a D and where it is located on the piano you probably have a piano teacher to thank! While...
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Jeffrey Young
Dec 11, 20212 min read
Receptive and Expressive Language in Students With Autism
Some students with autism have challenges with receptive and/or expressive language skill acquisition. Understanding how this affects the...
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Jeffrey Young
Apr 15, 20212 min read
Featured ABA Piano Teacher- Kimberly Simmons
Kimberly is a general music teacher in a NYC special education elementary public school. Her school's student population is primarily...
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Jeffrey Young
Sep 24, 20194 min read
Errorless Teaching - Prompting Toward Independence
Consider a student who is first learning the alphabet. This is commonly done by pairing syllables to written letters...
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Jeffrey Young
Sep 19, 20193 min read
Using Differential Reinforcement
Reinforcing an individual's desirable behavior is an important way to shape their performance.
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Jeffrey Young
Sep 9, 20193 min read
How to Create a Token Board
Token Boards are a great way to motivate someone and clearly display what it is that they are working for and how close they are to getting
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Jeffrey Young
Sep 4, 20192 min read
The Three E's of Applied Behavior Analysis
These three important "E's" are a great way to remember a few important concepts which are commonly used in ABA. As is the case, while these
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Jeffrey Young
Sep 1, 20192 min read
Five Signs of Satiation
Satiation, or the state of being fully satisfied with something to the point that your desire for it is gone or greatly diminished, can be a
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