Christopher G. Guerra is the Founder Emeritus of the Strathmore Children’s Chorus. In 2005 he was a founding member of the A. Mario Loiederman Middle School for the Creative and Performing Arts in Silver Spring, Maryland, where he built a choral program that achieved national recognition, and where his choral ensembles won numerous competitions during his 9 years as director.
He recently moved to Westland Middle School where he teaches and directs the choral program and in 2018 he directed his Concert Chorus on stage at Carnegie Hall. Mr. Guerra is the recipient of the 2012 Maryland Music Educators Association’s (MMEA) Outstanding Teacher Award. His choirs have performed at two national conferences and at the American Choral Directors Association’s National Middle School Choral Conference in Dallas, Texas, as well as at MMEA conferences and several performances at the world-class Music Center at Strathmore. In 2012 his Loiederman Middle School Chamber Choir received a perfect rating in all categories at the MMEA State Choral Festival competing at Level IV. His ensembles have received numerous county, state and interstate superior ratings and Best Chorus awards. He has directed honors choirs and workshops, as well as adjudicated throughout the state of Maryland.
He was Music Director for the Chicago and D.C. Church of Christ and was the featured vocalist with the 566th Air Force Band. He has conducted numerous choral and production workshops in the U.S. and abroad. He attended the Chicago Music College and earned his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Ball State University, with graduate studies at the University of Maryland, Towson University and George Mason University. He was awarded the Level II certificate with the Choral Music Experience Institute, having studied with Doreen Rao, Lee Kesselman, Phillip Silvey and Michael Jothen. He is an active member of MMEA, NAfME and ACDA. His daughter is a choral director in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Guerra maintains a private voice and piano studio, and resides in North Potomac, MD with his wife of 31 years, Dr. Veronica A. Guerra.
Location: North Potomac, Maryland